Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting

A Simple Parenting and Discipline System
Developed by a Pediatrician

Zylvie invites you to Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting with open arms
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Do not give up on your child!  There is so much distressing information, and many truly TERRIBLE ideas!  Here are a couple of EASY things to do, which are proven to give good results, over time.  First, for young children:  TALK to them, and READ to them!  Second, for all ages:  Sit down and eat meals together!  Especially an evening meal.  If you have a table, clear it off and use it. Do this a few times a week.  Make it a habit.  Cut off the TV, ipads, and screens,  and put down the phones, during the meal!!!  There is no requirement for "table manners" or home-cooked food, or real plates.  The goal is the togetherness.  If you can manage actual home-cooked food, please do so, that is awesome! But don't feel like you can't  "eat meals together" because you don't always have the "right stuff." Plop the fast-food bag on the table and call everybody to come and sit down together!  It's YOU, together with your children, that is THE RIGHT STUFF!  

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